Usage of a certificate in various applications

Problem 1

The certificate I have obtained from the CERN Certification authority does not work with application X version Y.

Problem 2

How can I use the certificate I have obtained from the CERN Certification authority with application X version Y? Where are the help pages for that application?

Problem 3

Where are the help pages that explain how can I use the Certificate I have obtained from the CERN Certification Authority with the Grid and, in general with Grid Applications?


The CERN certification authority is mandated ONLY to verify user identity and to issue user certificates and host certificates to the verified people and verified host owners. The usage and the questions that owners of CERN issued certificate may have while using CERN certificates with Service X or Application Y must be addressed to the support staff of Service X and Application Y.

If you are the manager of Service X or the person supporting Application Y and you have trouble making your application work with certificates issued by the CERN certification authority, you should verify that the CERN root CA certificate is properly trusted and then try to reproduce the problem with certificates issued by another certificate authority. If you think the problem you have in supporting your user community is *specific* to certificates issued by the CERN CA, please refer to the CERN Certification Authority Support page.

Created: 3/10/2020
Last reviewed: 5/2/2022
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