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Grid User Certificates

A Grid User Certificate is a personal certificate that can be used for e-Science authentication.

Who can request a Grid User Certificate

Please note that the official Certificate Policy and Certificate Practice Statement documents for the CERN Grid Certification Authority are available at the address This help page is only an informal excerpt from the official documents.

In order to request a Grid User Certificate a user must:

  • Be registered in CERN's central HR database with one of the following categories, for which physical presence at the appropriate registration service is required:
    • Members of Personnel (as defined in Administrative Circular 11). Status: STAFF, FELL, PDAS, PJAS, USAS, CASS, UPAS, USER, DOCT, TECH, ADMI, SUMM, CHIL, APPR, COAS, GPRO, VISC, TRNE.
    • Employees of a CERN contractor. Status: ENTC.
    • Participants to an experiment. Status: PART.
    • Honorary members. Status: EXTN with reason HONO.
  • Have a CERN computer account and register an email address.

You can verify if an account is eligible to obtain a Grid User Certificate at this address: Check certificate eligibility.

User certificates are only issued for primary and secondary accounts; service accounts cannot request a user certificate (see the Account Management site help pages for the definition of the different account types).

If you do not match these requirements, you will have to request a Certificate to your Home Institute.

The following links can help you find a Certification Authority that can provide you a certificate:

Created: 3/10/2020
Last reviewed: 5/2/2022
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