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CERN Host Certificates

CERN Host certificates are digital certificates that can be used in all cases where a machine certificate is required (e.g. for a web server), but cannot be used for Grid authentication, and are not trusted by Grid software.

CERN Host certificates have, however, other advantages:

  • The certificate validity is 2 years, instead of one.
  • Machines can be configured to autoenroll these certificates, i.e. to request and renew them automatically (Windows only).

Who can request a CERN Host Certificate

In order to request a CERN Host Certificate a user must:

  • Have a valid user certificate released by the CERN Grid Certification Autority.
  • Be authenticated using the user certificate.

A user will be able to request certificates ONLY for hosts registered in LanDB ( where he is defined as Responsible or Main user. If the Host's declared Responsible or Main User is a mailing list, the user must be member of this mailing list.

About certificates autoenrollment

A machine configured for certificates autoenrollment will request and renew its host certificate automatically.

For more informations, see Certificates Autoenrollment

Created: 3/10/2020
Last reviewed: 5/2/2022
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